Tuesday 10 May 2016

Important Things to be Considered before You Purchase Cosmetics/Makeup Items

Important Things to be Considered before You Purchase Cosmetics/Makeup Items

購買美妝產品前 需要考慮的事情

We all follow YouTube gurus, Instagram Beauty and makeup brands on all social media. Every time I see pictures of piles and piles of makeup, my heart rate goes through the roof. Being surrounded by all these exciting and fabulous makeup related news, it's easy to get lost and unexpectedly hard to reject the temptation of buying all the items. In the end, we keep spending and spending.


Only if you pay attention to the makeup news..

要你有留意 美妝的動向..

However, the main differences between us and them(social media celeb) are 

(1) Doing makeup/YouTuber is their JOB 
(2) They get sent lots of the makeup items (would/not be shown on social media), that means they don't have to purchase lots of them themselves 
(3) They need massive amount of makeup items so as to change the items used from video to video to keep the novelty, or us the followers would get bored

(1) 美妝 是他們的工作
(2) 達到一定知名度後,會有廠商免費奉送自家產品,(付費 或無)希望達人拍一段片宣傳,所以呢,人家不需要花錢買喔~
(3) 他們一定要用很多化妝品,新的舊的,這樣大家看影片才不會嫌悶

How is this problematic?

1. We are exposed by excessive amount of makeup online
2. Seeing people online using new items with excitement and amazement, plus the makeup looks perfect
3. We are Persuaded to believe that if we use the same new items, we can enjoy the same excitement & amazement & we can look that perfect too
4. We go get the new items

1. 我們每天都看到大量的美妝品
2. 看到別人都在很興奮 很激動地用 而且很好看
3. 就這樣子~ 我們相信如果我們買了同樣的新品,就會一樣興奮 激動 好看!
4. 不擇手段都 要 買 得 到!

We will end up with a bunch of makeup that we can NEVER use up.

This is WASTING because makeup will expires

最後,我們買了一堆 用也用不完的 會過期的東西,造成浪費!

Using expired makeup could lead to

1. Infection
2. Allergy
→ Skin Problems

1. 細菌感染
2. 敏感
→ 皮膚問題

How to stop this from happening?

1. Check the amount of makeup you have
2. find out which type of products you dont usually use
3. find out which type of products you have so many similar ones
4. stop buying those in 2 & 3
5. read more than enough reviews before buying something you really want

1. 點算一下自己的化妝品
2. 找出一些不常用的
3. 找出一些有很多差不多的
4. 不要再買 2 & 3 的產品囉
5. 很想很想買一件貨品時,上網爬文看一下評語

Things I have bought too many (personal reference) 買得太多的東西 後悔中

1. Makeup Brushes 化妝掃
2. Brow Products 眉妝
3. Foundations/BB Cream 粉底/BB霜
4. Eyeshadows & Palettes 眼影 & 眼影盤
5. Lip Products 唇妝
6. Bronzers (NOT contour) 銅粉? (不是陰影粉)
7. Highlights 光影
8. Concealer/Corrector 遮瘕/調色

Actually I would use foundation, contour powder, loose powder, brow product everyday.

事實上,我每天都會用 粉底、陰影粉、碎粉、眉妝(筆 膏 粉 膠)

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